At Premier Villas, paying by card gives you valuable and essential legal payment protection at no extra cost! - If we do not deliver on what we have promised, you will be able to claim a full refund.
By far the best ways to protect against fraud and to protect your money is to pay with a credit card. Under Section 75 of the Consumer Protection Act, any purchase you make that is worth between £100 and £30,000 is protected by your credit card provider.
If you use your credit card to purchase a holiday costing up to value £30,000, you are covered by ‘section 75’ of the Consumer Credit Act. It means the card company has equal responsibility (or ‘liability’) with Premier Villas, the seller, if there is a problem with the holiday you have paid for, or Premier Villas fails.
For full protection from your credit card company, you must spend between £100 and £30,000. The £100 minimum amount applies to each booking, for example,
Section 75 Of The Consumer Credit Act